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Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm (GMT +1)

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Cybersteel Inc.
376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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+44 1234 567 890

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Join Us

Join now!

Are you interested in choral music, international encounters and cultural exchange? Then promote the Allgäu cultural world now and support the Marktoberdorf Whitsun Festival by becoming a member!

For 50 Euro per year you contribute to maintain and promote the regional and international cultural and choral scene.


One-time chance from 26.05.2023

From 26.05.2023 to 31.05.2024, all newly registered members of the Association Internationale Chorbegegnungen im Allgäu e.V. will receive an exclusive gift package from MODfestivals e.V. and Allgäuer Brauhaus AG.

In addition, all members, whether new or existing, will have the unique opportunity to win a ride in the Allgäuer Brauhaus balloon worth around 300 euros. The prize draw will take place during the Musica Sacra International 2024 festival. The entry form can be found at the bottom of the page.


The cooperation with the Allgäuer Brauhaus

The Allgäuer Brauhaus has been collaborating with the Marktoberdorf Whitsun Festivals for many years. This year for the first time the Allgäuer Brauhaus and the "Association Internationale Chorbegegnungen im Allgäu e.V." will cooperate. Together they want to win new members to be able to support the festivals in the future.


Join us

Information about the person
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Support contribution
Copyright 2025 Förderverein Internationaler Chorbegegnungen im Allgäu e.V.